Over the years I've finally developed this salad that is perfect for the Dragon. Very versatile, add your own favorite touches. A meal for company lunch...
The chicken salad is quick and easy. If you want a little 'zip', add a few drops of hot sauce to the mixture! Serve on lettuce as a salad or on bread as...
Light summer meal. Serve with crusty roll and a tall glass of cold mint cherry limeade. Lovely refreshing weeknight meal. Also can be prepared up to 2...
Check the heartbeat of this bento box style lunch, which can be easily made for those young ones aspiring to go into the medical fields. This first aid...
A Greek-inspired version of basic chicken salad that is quick, healthy, and delicious! Serve it topped with tomatoes and a sprinkling of feta cheese, or...
This is a great summer salad. It's really easy to make, and kids love it. I like to stuff the salad into pitas and serve it like that, but it can stand...
Great for leftover Thanksgiving turkey! I threw it together and decided to write down the measurements. Everyone loved it! For a kick add more jalapeno...
Great for leftover Thanksgiving turkey! I threw it together and decided to write down the measurements. Everyone loved it! For a kick add more jalapeno...
I'm a huge fan of chicken salad and have tried so many different variations over the years, but this one is by far my favorite. Simple, refreshing flavors...
Was expecting a few hungry friends to walk in as I started cooking, but they called and had an emergency. Fortunately nothing bad, but there I was with...
This is my version of a salad I had at a restaurant. Tomatoes at the peak of their season work best and the 'dirt' is actually a mixture of mushrooms,...
This is my version of a salad I had at a restaurant. Tomatoes at the peak of their season work best and the 'dirt' is actually a mixture of mushrooms,...
This is my version of a salad I had at a restaurant. Tomatoes at the peak of their season work best and the 'dirt' is actually a mixture of mushrooms,...
The combination of citrus and tarragon in this chicken salad make it delicious. I crave it all summer long because of its fresh flavors. This salad can...
This is my version of a salad I had at a restaurant. Tomatoes at the peak of their season work best and the 'dirt' is actually a mixture of mushrooms,...
Turn multigrain bread into the star of this summer vegetable panzanella, an Italian-style bread salad featuring juicy tomatoes, grilled zucchini, eggplant,...
My dear husband and I cook several whole chickens on the smoker a few times a year. I am always looking for different ways to use the shredded meat that...
I am asked for this recipe every time I make it! A sure hit for summer picnics, wedding luncheons, anytime! Easy to make and tastes great. Serve plain...
Ranchy goodness mixed with chicken, cucumber and red onion. An instant favorite of anyone who tries it. Serve on whole wheat tortillas with baby spinach...
Ranchy goodness mixed with chicken, cucumber and red onion. An instant favorite of anyone who tries it. Serve on whole wheat tortillas with baby spinach...
This is a great summer salad when fresh corn is in season. Combining mozzarella cheese, bell pepper, cherry tomatoes, and basil, it's great for parties...